@ CJ - That's exactly why I don't like digital. It's all or a pixelated nothing with no sound. Grrr.
I still have a couple of those digital converter boxes, but now live too far from the metro area to pick up a signal. I'd have to invest in stronger antenna with a longer range to reach the towers that are about 75 miles away. I assume it would have to be mounted on the roof or one of those residential masts/poles.
Posted by CJ at 6:27 am (PDT) on Mon April 19, 2021
@GlenEllyn - They still sell Rabbit Ears (usually amplified) for those who do not get Cable and/or Satellite service. And for those who still have/use an older TV the sell a converter box My problem with Digital is that if the signal is not perfect you get a pixalated screen and no sound. At least with Analog, even if the signal was not perfect you could at least some what see a picture through the snow and you still had the audio.
The goal was positioning them for the least "snow" in the picture. As you tried for the best position the picture would disappear, the sound would distort, the vertical would roll, etc.
Kids: "Come on, fix it already! "I'm trying!"
Posted by CJ at 10:53 am (PDT) on Wed May 13, 2015
And who can forget...adding "tin foil flags" to them to boost reception?
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There are 8 comments for this item.
I still have a couple of those digital converter boxes, but now live too far from the metro area to pick up a signal. I'd have to invest in stronger antenna with a longer range to reach the towers that are about 75 miles away. I assume it would have to be mounted on the roof or one of those residential masts/poles.
My problem with Digital is that if the signal is not perfect you get a pixalated screen and no sound. At least with Analog, even if the signal was not perfect you could at least some what see a picture through the snow and you still had the audio.
"Come on, fix it already!
"I'm trying!"
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